Are you interested in what is going on in the environment? We are hosting infosessions in different municipalities in Kosovo. With these infosessions we aim to have an open discussion about climate change. Climate change doesn’t know borders, and it is not something in the far future. According to a report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) we only have 12 years before we reach a point of no return. That means that we will have reached a point where we cannot undo the damage that we have done, and the earth will sustain the heat. This is something that we need to avoid. These infosessions that we hold will function as a way to spread information about climate change but also to have a meaningful open discussion and talk about how we can contribute to change this road that we’re on. If you want to join the infosessions, please visit our Facebook, we post our events there and you can join the one in your city!
contact us: [email protected]
This grant is supported by the ‘Civil Society programme for Albania and Kosovo’, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with Partners Albania for Change and Development (PA). The content and recommendations do not represent the official position of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).