GAIA has been appointed as Erasmus+ Youth and ESC Contact Point for Kosovo since 2022.
You can contact us on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday from 10 to 16 via:
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 049 455 037
WhatsApp: +383 49 455 037
Our role includes:
- Making information and relevant updates about Erasmus+ available in the local languages through different communication channels (website, social media, other digital and printed media, newsletters, etc.);
- Reaching out to potential beneficiaries with the purpose of informing them about the Programmes and possibilities to get involved;
- Assisting potential beneficiaries by answering questions about the Programmes upon request;
- Maintaining a dialogue and cooperating with other stakeholders supporting the implementation of the Programmes, such as the national and municipal authorities responsible for youth, the Delegations of the European Union to the countries and the National Erasmus+ Offices;
- Assisting the SALTO SEE Resource Centre in achieving its strategic priorities in the frame of both Programmes.
Representing SALTO SEE in these tasks, Contact Points are an integral part of a network of key stakeholders supporting the promotion and implementation of the Programmes in the Western Balkan region.