Well it’s my second day and the morning just fly by. Breakfast, meetings, preparation, schedule, making lunch, putting up tents … so many things happening paralely. It’s busy, busy all around, everybody doing something. Two participants already arrived, they are off to visit Pristina while we „make stuff done” but not like in this short story 🙂 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU8H0kR-_Go
And in all this commotion I am about to get the nicest pair of gloves ever! Our comic expert Ica is also a knitting wizard and some custom made glows are being born, nice and colorful. Can’t wait to see what she will do with participants.
In the mean while her expert Aros is taking an angel nap, he just arrived last night from Berlin and is gathering energy for tonight when the program officially starts.
Through all this, Vlada, the stop motion expert – is making lunch, he and Agron his co-stopmotioner have everything worked out, mmm tomato pasta – veg only lunches.
And in the end of course dish washing!
So, till tonight …