Finding a path through volunteering – Ismael’s journey

Finding a path through volunteering – Ismael’s journey A few months after his arrival in Kosovo for his European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project in GAIA’s permaculture estate in Bozevce, Ismael wrote a short piece on how he was feeling there. We asked him to reflect again on the whole experience more than a year after…

Call for volunteers – SCI Germany, office in Bonn

Call for volunteers – SCI Germany, office in Bonn SCI Germany is looking for one volunteer from Kosovo to join its long-term project in the Bonn office. The volunteer will take part in the efforts for participants placement to workcamps, communication on social media, participation in activities of the organization, organization of workcamps, etc. The…

Reflection Podcasts

Reflection Podcasts  2020 marks the 10th anniversary of GAIA Kosovo and besides celebrating, we want to use this as an opportunity to reflect on topics that we hold dear. After ten years of activities and brainstormings on climate change, non-formal education, peace-building, friendship, volunteering or activism, we decided it was time to gather testimonies, stories,…

Call for Applications, Youth Gathering: Acts of solidarity in times of (in)differences

[ENG] Open Call for Applications  Youth Gathering: Acts of solidarity in times of (in)differences From the 15th until the 24th of March 2021, GAIA Kosovo is organising a youth gathering on media literacy and collection of stories in Mitrovica. The youth gathering is open for 12 young people from Kosovo.  During the 10 days of…

ESC gönüllüsü olmak

ESC gönüllüsü olmak Seyahat etmek dünyayı keşfetmenin ve kendinizi diğer kültürlere açmanın bir yoludur. Ancak gönüllülük, tecrübeyi gerçekten yaşamanın bir yoludur. Karmaşık ve birbirine bağlı dünyamızda, ülkenizde veya yurtdışında bazı anlamlı projelerin aktif bir parçası olmak, özellikle insanlık yeni krizlerle (iklim değişikliği, zorunlu göç, savaşlar, ekonomik buhranlar, biyoçeşitlilik kaybı) karşı karşıya olduğunda önem arz etmektedir…