GAIA September against Discrimination

September was the month of Kosovo Youth in Action against Discrimination! Starting with the 5th of September, all the way till the end of the month, GAIA organized 6 local weekend workshops in Plemetina, Grachanica and Prishtina and gathered around 60 young people addressing the discrimination related issues through series of educational games and discussions…

„Njoftohu me mua” Punëtoritë gjatë fundjavës në Prishtinë

”Njoftohu me mua” Punëtoritë gjatë fundjavës në Prishtinë, Unicef Innovation lab GAIA & Peer Educators Network (PEN) ju ftojnë për t’u bashkuar punëtorive lokale të fundjavës “Më njofto” ku do të mbahen gjatë dy fundjavat e e fundit të shtatorit në hapsirat e Unicef Innovation Lab, adresuar çështjet e mëposhtme nëpërmjet një seri e lojrave arsimore…

‘’Upoznaj me’’ Lokalne radionice u Plemetini

‘’Upoznaj me’’ Lokalne radionice u Plemetini GAIA  vas pozivaju da se pridružite lokalnim  radionicama protiv diskriminacije ‘’Upoznaj me’’, baveći se sledećim temama kroz niz edukativnih igara i diskusija: 5. i 6. septembar, 2013, 14-18 časova Stereotipi, predrasuda i diskriminacija, ja, ti, on/a/o, mi, vi, oni Šta su stereotipi, predrasude i diskriminacija? U kakvom odnosu funkcionišu?…

National weekend training course “Intercultural learning through outdoor activities’’

The second national weekend training course “Intercultural learning through outdoor activities” took place from 23rd to 25th of August, in Banja E Pejes/Pecka Banja and gathered 20 young people from all over Kosovo, eager to better understand culture, causes of cultural clashes and develop sensitivity towards different cultures. The training was realized through non-formal methods…