National weekend training course “Intercultural learning through outdoor activities’’

The second national weekend training course “Intercultural learning through outdoor activities” took place from 23rd to 25th of August, in Banja E Pejes/Pecka Banja and gathered 20 young people from all over Kosovo, eager to better understand culture, causes of cultural clashes and develop sensitivity towards different cultures. The training was realized through non-formal methods…

Call for Participants – National weekend training

 National Weekend Training “Intercultural learning through outdoor activities” Banja e Pejës/Pećka banja, 23rd – 25th of August, 2013 About the training course The weekend training course “Intercultural learning through outdoor activities” will gather 20 young people from Kosovo, willing to learn more about culture, cultural clashes and intercultural dialogue and take an active role in…

My Workcamp Experience in Albania

A volunteer travelled with GAIA to a workcamp called ‘Youth for Human Rights’ to Tirana. Here she writes about her experiences: The work camp, which took place in the village of Ndroq, 18 km southeast of Tirana, started off with two brainstorming sessions for the planning of awareness raising activities on the topics of human…

‘’Upoznaj me’’

Lokalne vikend radionice u Alternativnom kulturnom centru (AKC) u Gračanici GAIA & Centar za mir i toleranciju vas pozivaju da se pridružite lokalnim vikend radionicama protiv diskriminacije ‘’Upoznaj me’’ koje će se održati tokom prva dva vikenda u julu u AKC, baveći se sledećim temama kroz niz edukativnih igara i diskusija: 6. i 7. jula,…

Workcamp in Shtime

We have just finished our first workcamp in Shtime and it was a great sucess! In the 10 days of the workcamp we managed a lot of renovation work in the Balkan Sunflower Learning center, to help and to improve the environment for the children who go there! We have to say a big THANK…

National weekend training course “Facing stereotypes and prejudices through interactive theater method Stop and Act’’

The first national weekend training course “Facing stereotypes and prejudices through interactive theater method Stop and Act” took place from 7th to 9th of June in Banja E Pejes/Pecka Banja and gathered 20 young people from Kosovo, eager to learn more about prejudices, stereotypes and discrimination and take an active role in awareness raising activities…

Regional Annual Summer School

(23rd – 29th June 2013 Hotel Montana, Krusevo, Republic of Macedonia) GAIA & Regional network “Regional youth action against discrimination and militarism” invite you to the second international youth “Regional summer school 2013“ that will take place in Krusevo, Macedonia, from 23rd till 29th of June 2013. If you are between 18 and 26 years old,…