Meet your neighbour, meet the Roma!

Time and Date of the event : 13.00h, 19thFebruary 2012 Place: Prishtina, Mother Theresa Street (the square behind the book sellers)    Programme 12:00 Sharing the CD with song composed for this event by Kefaet, Selame and Kafu “Come meet your neighbor” 12:30 The Flash Mob, and giving t-shirts away “Meet your neighbor, meet the Roma”  13:00 The…

Action! Art in Action!

      Plemetina Youth, Romawood and GAIA invite everybody to join us in the street action Date: 3rd of September 2011 Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Place: Pristina, Square next to hotel GRAND, behind the book sellers Mother Theresa Street We will present to the public what we have created trough music, step dance, photography, video and…