Punëtori – gardhin natyror / Radionica – prirodna ograda / Workhop – natural fence

[ALB] Punëtori e fundjavës mbi ndërtimin tradicional – Gardhi natyror 8. – 10.4.2022 Po i kërkojmë 10 të rinj e të reja nga komunitete të ndryshme, të cilët/at janë të interesuar në ndërtimin tradicional, eko-ndërtim, trashëgimi kulturore; persona të cilët dëshirojnë të provojnë diçka të re, të takojnë njerëz të rinj dhe të e ndajnë…

International long-term voluntary services in Halle & surrounding with Friedenskreis Halle e.V.

For several years, our partner organisation Friedenskreis Halle e.V. has been organizing long-term international voluntary services. In the process of hosting international volunteers in Germany they operate as coordinatingorganization. In order to realize the program they cooperate with different sending organizations from abroad and with different places of assignment in Halle and surrounding. They host…


GARA E FOTOGRAFISË DHE TREGIMEVE Përshkrimi: GAIA është duke kërkuar fotorafi të shtëpive apo objekteve të ndryshme tradicionale si dhe tregime rreth ndërtimit të tyre , të ndodhura në pjesën lindore të Kosovës. Ne jemi në proces të identifikimit dhe hartëzimit të këtyre shtëpive dhe duam të mbedhim të dhëna në teknikën e ndërtimit dhe…

PDC – Permaculture Design Certificate course for peace activists and youth workers

PDC – Permaculture Design Certificate course for peace activists and youth workers 5th until 18th of November 2021 Bozevce, Kosovo GAIA Kosovo is inviting you to apply for a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course which will take place in Kosovo, in Bozevce village, from 5th until 18th of November 2021. This PDC is part of the…

OPEN CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – photos, short stories and poetry “Rivers of Sharr Mountain”

OPEN CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS –photos, short stories and poetry “Rivers of Sharr Mountain” Description: GAIA is looking for submissions from photographers, photojournalists, poets, writers and enthusiasts who share our love and respect for the Sharr Mountains and its rivers. We are building up a collection of photos, stories, poems and information about the rivers of…

Call for pax: TC for organizing YEs, workcamps, group ESC on natural building

WaaMooM We are all Made out of Mud Call for youth workers, camp coordinators for 7 day training course in Bozevce, Kosovo  15th until 23rd of October 2021 Training course for organizing YEs, workcamps, group ESC and similar international groups on natural building will gather around 20 youth workers, group leaders and camp coordinators for…

Open Call for Volunteers – Workcamp “Rivers of Sharr Mountain”

Serbian and Albanian bellow Štrpce/Shtërpcë, August 18-28th 2021 This summer, GAIA is organizing a ten-day workcamp focused on rivers: Rivers of Sharr Mountain workcamp will gather 10-15 volunteers in Štrpce/Shtërpcë, Kosovo, from August 18th to August 28th 2021. Local and international volunteers will be involved in two types of activities: clean-up actions focused on the…