Open Call: ESC Quality Label Workshop

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is a program that enables organizations or public entities to host volunteers from European countries and send local volunteers abroad. The program allows young people to volunteer in social initiatives while benefiting the community, the volunteers themselves, and the organizations involved. A prerequisite to joining the program is obtaining the…

Često postavljana pitanja o ESC-u za organizacije

Prijavljivanje i dobijanje oznake kvaliteta (“Quality Label”) Gde da započnem proces akreditacije? Nakon kreiranja ličnog EU naloga (ako ga još nemate), moraćete da registrujete svoju organizaciju u Sistem za registraciju organizacija (ORS) ovde da biste popunili ceo obrazac za prijavu (ovaj vodič vam može pomoći u postupku registracije). Jednom kada se vaša organizacija registruje, dobićete…

Volunteering to give and receive – The story of Lorraine

Lorraine is a French volunteer who was part of the team in Imaginatorium, our non-formal education center in the Roma mahalla of Gracanica. She joined us through an ESC project between 2018 and 2019. It is a bit difficult finding the words to explain, describe these 8 months volunteering with GAIA Kosovo, but it has…

Finding a path through volunteering – Ismael’s journey

Finding a path through volunteering – Ismael’s journey A few months after his arrival in Kosovo for his European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project in GAIA’s permaculture estate in Bozevce, Ismael wrote a short piece on how he was feeling there. We asked him to reflect again on the whole experience more than a year after…

Call for volunteers – SCI Germany, office in Bonn

Call for volunteers – SCI Germany, office in Bonn SCI Germany is looking for one volunteer from Kosovo to join its long-term project in the Bonn office. The volunteer will take part in the efforts for participants placement to workcamps, communication on social media, participation in activities of the organization, organization of workcamps, etc. The…