Why is the “cleaning” of Kosovo’s rivers an ecological, economic and social aberration?

The “cleaning” (from trash) of Kosovo rivers was decided and financed by the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure. Information about these actions is limited to a Facebook post of the minister and the web-site of the Ministry, and communication with the different stakeholders (NGO, villagers, municipalities) was also non-existent. Information about it is…

OPEN CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – photos, short stories and poetry “Rivers of Sharr Mountain”

OPEN CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS –photos, short stories and poetry “Rivers of Sharr Mountain” Description: GAIA is looking for submissions from photographers, photojournalists, poets, writers and enthusiasts who share our love and respect for the Sharr Mountains and its rivers. We are building up a collection of photos, stories, poems and information about the rivers of…

Open Call for Volunteers – Workcamp “Rivers of Sharr Mountain”

Serbian and Albanian bellow Štrpce/Shtërpcë, August 18-28th 2021 This summer, GAIA is organizing a ten-day workcamp focused on rivers: Rivers of Sharr Mountain workcamp will gather 10-15 volunteers in Štrpce/Shtërpcë, Kosovo, from August 18th to August 28th 2021. Local and international volunteers will be involved in two types of activities: clean-up actions focused on the…